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What is a good way to increase your twitter following?

I'm relatively new to twitter so I'm still wondering how to make the most of using it.

الإجابات (2)


In my opinion, the best way to increase Twitter following is to consistently produce quality content that people want to read. Filling your tweets with junk info such as "I got up and brushed my teeth at 6:45am this morning" will for sure turn off followers in the end. On the other hand, Twitter is getting too big and there are millions of people who are fighting for the same attention. A better way to build social exposure is to tweet on new sites like TermWiki!

19:51, 18 July 2011

Robert Derbyshire

Start following other people. On the whole, they will follow you back.

03:01, 29 April 2011

يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول لنشر مشاركاتك في المناقشات.


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